
- Edpuzzle -

💜  Hi Guys!  💜 I've taken a course called "Open and Distance Learning." Recently, at one of our lessons and from its lecturer, I've learned that there is an app called Edpuzzle. So, today I'm going to briefly talk about it and its usage, etc. What is it, then? Well, it's a web-based eLearning application that allows users to select a video and customize it by editing, cropping, recording their own audio, and adding quiz questions directly to the video stream. EDpuzzle also allows instructors to track, monitor, and grade students engagement with the videos created. What is th e purpose of EDPuzzle The overall purpose of EDpuzzle is to facilitate increased student engagement with video content. With the ability to personalize videos, add engaging assessment elements, and use created videos to track/grade student learning, videos can be enhanced to achieve targeted goals for learning. How to use EDPuzzle To get started with EDpuzzle visit the website and click

- Podcast || First Language Acquisition -

  Hi everyone, today you are not reading anything about First Language Acquisiton but you will listen my podcast about it. By clicking this link you can listen my podcast. I hope you like it ! https://soundcloud.com/damla-oeztuerk-592255592/first-language-acquisition  


     SAMR is a demonstrate outlined to assist teachers infuse innovation into educating and learning. Popularized by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the model supports and empowers instructors to design, create, and infuse digital learning experiences that utilize innovation. The aim is to convert learning experiences so they result in higher levels of accomplishment for understudies. Here I paste a link related to SAMR Model for you to understand it better ! https://www.commonsense.org/education/videos/introduction-to-the-samr-model


    This demonstrate, created by instructive researchers Mishra and Kohler (2006) , is outlined around the thought that content (what you instruct) and pedagogy (how you educate) must be the premise for any technology that you just arrange to use in your classroom to improve learning. At the heart of the TPACK system, is the complex transaction of three essential shapes of information: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK). The TPACK approach goes beyond seeing these three knowledge bases in separation. The TPACK system goes further by emphasizing the sorts of information that lie at the crossing points between three essential shapes: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) , Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) , Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) , and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) . TPACK isn't a latest thought, nor is it possessed by anyone. A extend of other researchers have argued that that knowledge about innovation cannot be treated as

- Socrative -

       Socrative is an interactive web-based student-response framework (also you can access through iOS, Android, or Chrome apps) that can offer assistance instructors start discussion and learning through user-created surveys and tests. Understudies get to questions by means of a Room code , and answers register quickly on the teacher's computer as the understudies submit their responses on almost any device . When everybody has responded, instructors can show the results utilizing the "How did we do?" button. Instructors can make tests, quick questions, and exit slips that permit for multiple-choice, true/false, and one-sentence-response questions that can be reviewed with feedback for each student. 

- Pixton -

  Pixton Edu is a comic creation site for classrooms where instructors and understudies can both make and share their comic strips.  After instructors sign in, create their avatar, and set up a classroom, they enter the names of their understudies. Understudies can at that point get to Pixton Edu by signing in with their Google, Facebook, or Microsoft account , or instructors can produce a special code and usernames for them to sign-in without such accounts. Once in, students make their own comic avatars, they are free to start their realistic stories panel by panel. Within each panel, users select backgrounds and characters and write speech bubbles or thoughts. Many of these components, like characters, have layers of details that can be changed (e.g., hair and skin color, clothing, etc.). Some features of Pixton; - It is free for individual accounts - It lets users create their own comics - It lets you give text and speech bubbles to characters - It lets you edit the shape and po